5 Great Reasons to Sign Up for my Newsletter (and avoid the chaos of social media)

Love it or hate it, social media is here to stay and is undoubtedly a great way to stay connected. I’ve done my fair share of catching up with old friends on Facebook and making new ones through Twitter (or X – I’m still struggling with that) and, of course, social media enables me to stay connected with other writers and with readers.

But, social media platforms are changeable beasts – as users of Twitter (sorry, X) will have discovered. New ones appear (Threads, Bluesky Social etc.) and others pivot or go out of favour over time. Plus, the sheer volume of choice and information out there now is mind blowing. All this means it’s difficult to be sure we’re actually staying connected with the people/pages/groups we love.

So, what’s the answer? Making sure you actively choose who to connect with, rather than relying on a social media platform to do it for you. Yes, you can read this blog, or follow me on Facebook, Twitter(X), Instagram or Tiktok – but you can’t guarantee any of those will show you all of my posts. Joining my newsletter ensures you won’t miss out. Here’s five great reasons to sign up today:

  1. Think of it as a personal letter from me to you. Even in this social media age, I love a letter (I even still write the occasional real letter – you know, the papery kind). My newsletter will plop into your inbox as regular as clockwork (well, OK, a dodgy clock which isn’t always wound up). No algorithms, no cat memes, just me chatting to you about my writing and other related stuff. And, in the unlikely event you decide you no longer want to hear from me (I know, what?!), unlike all those round-robins you get at Christmas, you can easily unsubscribe from my newsletter at any time.
  2. Be the first to know: the newsletter is a reliable way of finding out what’s coming soon. I’ll also share books from other authors which you might enjoy, plus the odd competition or giveaway.
  3. Get glimpses into the behind-the-scenes business of writing, and the ups and downs of writing life – I’ll share with you what’s going well, and (more likely) what I’m struggling with!
  4. Get involved: newsletter followers get invites to become beta readers and share their opinions on new books – if you join up, you can give your feedback to help shape future stories.
  5. Best of all, claim your free subscribers only ebook Angel in Disguise, a prequel to my novel Clear to the Last. Angel in Disguise isn’t available anywhere else, so to get your hands on this exclusive story, you need to sign up.

Yes, I’m sure we’ll continue to stay connected on this blog and in numerous other ways too, but I’m risk adverse, and I like to know I can contact my friends directly when I want and not be at the mercy of an algorithm. Subscribe today and help us stay connected for the long term. 😊

Published by Jenny Roman

Short story writer & novelist: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B01EPBTO92/ref=cm_cr_arp_mb_bdcrb_top?ie=UTF8#

2 thoughts on “5 Great Reasons to Sign Up for my Newsletter (and avoid the chaos of social media)

    1. Thank you, Sally! Much better to be in touch directly than through a separate platform, I think. And I’m finding it hard to think of it as X! 😁

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