About Jenny Roman

Love equestrian fiction? Then you’ve come to the right place!

Jenny Roman used to be a ponyless, pony-mad kid, gazing longingly at other people’s horses. To get her “fix” she was an avid reader of pony books, and her first ever short story was published in PONY magazine when she was 17.

Jenny was 28 before she got a pony of her own – a chestnut mare bought unbroken from an auction where it was likely she might otherwise have gone for slaughter. Being a chestnut mare, Cracker was a bit of a challenge, but ultimately they ended up spending 15 years together doing all kinds of riding club activities, including dressage, jumping, and even Adult Mounted Games! After losing Cracker to colic, eventually Jenny found a new equine partner, a half-Arab, half-Appaloosa bay gelding called Deemon Whirlwind.

Jenny’s had all kinds of jobs to support her equine habit, including working at a riding school, and as a painter and decorator. Horses have always been a huge part of her life, and writing about them means she can combine her two greatest passions. After writing for lots of different magazines, in recent years she has returned to writing about all things equine, producing two short story collections and, in 2023, her first full length novel which is the first of a trilogy.

Jenny has an MA in Creative Writing from Nottingham Trent University, has had stories short-listed or placed in a host of writing competitions and has herself been a story competition judge. She is a member of a Writers’ Group and strongly recommends this to anyone thinking of writing creatively.

When she’s not writing or reading, you’ll probably find her either in the garden, out walking the dogs, or mucking out the horses!

For a FREE exclusive equestrian fiction eBook Angel in Disguise sign up for her newsletter here.

6 thoughts on “About Jenny Roman

  1. A Very nice web page and your books sound great for horse-lovers like me.
    Cheers! Ann F.

    1. So glad you like it – I’m busy working on a couple of new titles at the moment, so hopefully I’ll have some more to share before too long. 😁

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