Celebrating Indie Author Week UK

Yes, folks, it’s Indie Author Week UK (8th – 15th June 2024) a celebration of independent authors across the United Kingdom. Gone are the days when traditional publishing houses dominated the scene, acting as the gatekeepers who decided which books made it into print. Now many authors (including me!) have chosen to go down the indie route meaning more books in the marketplace and more choice for readers everywhere. What started as a quiet revolution has gathered momentum so that now Amazon releases over 1.4 million self-published books through it’s KDP platform every year. And, according to data produced by the Alliance of Independent Authors, many self-published authors are now earning more than those who are traditionally published

So, why celebrate indie authors? Well, because they bring diversity and innovation to the literary world, writing across genres, breaking conventional storytelling rules, and sometime tackling subjects that mainstream publishers might shy away from. This kind of creative freedom is only possible when writers passionate about getting their work into print are not bound by the necessity to make a profit for a large organisation.

How to Get Involved

1. Read Indie Books: The simplest way to support indie authors is by reading their books. During Indie Author Week, you’ll find lots of indie titles on special offer – including my novel ‘Clear to the Last’ and my short story collection ‘At the Paddock Gate’ which are both discounted for the duration of the week on both Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.com.

2. Leave Reviews: Reviews are crucial for indie authors. They help increase visibility and credibility. After reading an indie book, take a few moments to leave a review on sites like Goodreads or Amazon.

3. Support indies on Social Media: Follow indie authors on social media, share their posts, and use hashtags like #IndieAuthorWeekUK to spread the word. Engaging with authors online helps build a supportive community and introduces their work to a broader audience. Follow IndieAuthorWeekUK on Facebook: @indieauthorweekuk or X: @indauthorweekuk

As a post on the Indie Author Week UK Facebook page puts it, each of us has the power to spread a little joy: “We can do that by actively seeking out independent authors and buying their books, then letting the author know that we enjoyed the book. It’s easy to do, but can make such a difference to an author’s day.”

Published by Jenny Roman

Short story writer & novelist: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B01EPBTO92/ref=cm_cr_arp_mb_bdcrb_top?ie=UTF8#

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