99% Perspiration: why I’ve not blogged for a while!

Too many of my blog posts start with an apology. This one is no different. If you’ve followed me in the hope of any writing insights, or even pony pictures, you’ve been sadly disappointed for the last few months – for which I am sorry. If you’re reading this, thank you for sticking around soContinue reading “99% Perspiration: why I’ve not blogged for a while!”

Time Travel for Writers

Readers know all about time travel – you sit down with a good book, and before you know it, a whole afternoon has passed in the blink of an eye! And through the medium of fiction, you are magically transported to another time, another place, perhaps another world. (Who needs a TARDIS?) It’s the sameContinue reading “Time Travel for Writers”

In Praise of Deadlines

Deadlines generally get a bad press – at best they are seen as a necessary evil, at worst, a stress-inducing, night-sweat, panic attack horror sent from Beelzebub. Now, I am a procrastinater of the highest order.  When I have a writing project to be finished (or..ahem….even started…), I can find a hundred and one other tasks whichContinue reading “In Praise of Deadlines”